Sunday, May 20, 2012

Living SLIM


I do know what it's like to overeat - regularly and continuously. I do understand that whenever you overeat, you are not consciously choosing to be fat. The last thing you want to be is fat. What you ARE choosing is to be MINDLESS - separating your mind from your body.

At the moment of reaching for the food, you are not connecting what you are eating with the shape of your body. All you know is that you want - or need - to eat something, and you are choosing to ignore the fact that it will make you fat. Intellectually you know this but you are CHOOSING to disconnect as the impulse to eat over-rides the intellect. Then you profess not to understand why your excess weight won't shift !

1.  Using Food as a Reward

You often reward yourself with food. You wait until you're tired, hungry, depressed, weak, sleepy or anxious before allowing yourself to eat. Then you 'reward' yourself with fatty, sugary food.

In most aspects of your life, you plan in advance. You wouldn't wait until your car was completely empty before filling it with petrol, right? When it comes to eating, however, many of us don't bother planning ahead. Eating can easily become something we do to respond to the moment.

Your brain naturally craves foods to meet specific needs, such as to make hormones and neurotransmitters, replace spent fuel stores or rebuild damaged muscles. By the time you crave nutrients to meet those needs, you have already suffered a deficiency. Your body signals you with urgent warnings that force you to over-correct, which means overeat. So by neglecting to feed your brain and body with what it needs before it starts a craving, you set yourself up to eat too much.

2.  Self-esteem & Bingeing

In the fat war, there are no victims - only volunteers. The fat didn't just happen. YOU created the shape of your body internally, by how you feel about yourself and the things you say to yourself, and externally by the food choices you make. If you are always criticizing yourself, putting yourself down, telling yourself how awful you look, how greedy and disgusting you are, you will NEVER lose weight PERMANENTLY. No one ever lost weight by being humiliated (this is SOOOO true, so please don't attempt to humiliate a loved one or someone you care about into loosing weight. Choose to encourage instead).

Bingers - people who use food in response to emotions rather than hunger.

Bingers live with this continual low-grade preoccupation with food. Regardless of their weight, many women feel uncomfortable about some aspect of their body. They dislike the body they live in and, as a result, end up disliking the person who lives there.

Most bingers are aware of the fact that their weight is creeping up, but, they tend to deny that this is happening. They refuse to admit that they eat anything fattening and live in a state of permanent denial. You only confront the issue when forced to by a medical examination. But suppose it happened overnight? Suppose you went to bed weighing 55 kgs and woke up the next morning weighing 80 kgs, fat & bloated?! You would be horrified & panic stricken, wondering what sort of disease you had contracted overnight, right?

The disease is EATING THE WRONG FOOD !!!

That 'couple of biscuits' multiplied 20 times over, day after day, week after week. That's what you've been doing to yourself. The fact that it might have taken years rather than happened overnight is beside the point.

"If the way you are behaving now is keeping you fat, you have to decide to behave 
in a different way" - Lee Janogly

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