Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is an Intermediate Freestyle In Line routine danced to the song So Hot by the Wonder Girls. I came up with this one after hearing the song at a party but didn't quite like the line dance routine used. It has since been completed and is 64 count [8/8] routine but I have yet to video the full dance. Please use this as your practice guide for now. Step sheet to come.

So Hot - bars 1-7
This is an Intermediate Freestyle routine danced to the song Dirty Pop by Justine Timberlake. It was specially choreographed on the request of one of the students.

Dirty Pop - 4+4+6+4+4+end

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

31st March 2011, Thurs. 11:30am - Intermediate Freestyle (TGCR). 

We had a couple missing today from class but with the current large number of students it still was an exciting challenge to teach. We continued with our RAIN IS COMING routine and managed to add on two more bars with much laughter between our serious technique explanations. Its progressing rather well and it looks like this revised routine is going to be a 64 count routine. The teach video was made but not on my camera so I'm afraid I don't have it for you here girls. Good luck with practice.

31st March 2011, Thurs. 9:45am - Advance Freestyle (TGCR). 

I added on two more bars to our Glee medley of THRILLER/HEADS WILL ROLL. Though the steps are fairly basic and simple, the challenge in this routine comes with the speed of the music and the staggering of the steps. The girls are working hard at putting this together and its really testing their skill at working together but with their own individual timing. We also spent time running thru HOLLYWOOD & TEMPORARY HOME which are still being perfected. I don't have a practice video for you girls as there's some trouble loading it here. I'm sure you'll all be able to remember it.

30th March 2011, Wed. 8:30pm - Intermediate Line Dance (RCS). 

Today we saw the return of Katrina who's been missing for 2 months while she settled her children's educational needs. We were all very happy to see her back looking fit & healthy. We did a beautiful smooth dance today called FOUND SOMEONE by Judy Rodgers danced to one of my all time romantic ballads I Finally Found Someone by Barbara Streisand & Bryan Adams. The steps are almost all syncopated but as the music is smooth & slow, they don't feel rushed in any way. A very appropriate dance for our two fellow who students who are engaged to be married, to each other, shortly. Thank you Judy.

30th March 2011, Wed. 10am - Intermediate Reviser Line Dance (RSGC). 

Today we had a visit from a new student - Ms Li Lian. She bravely tackled all the reviser dances we did today, was overwhelmed, but handled it all very sportingly. Well done Li Lian. We revised - BURLESQUE, WHAT U WAITING FOR & HIGH OFF UR VIBE.

29th March 2011, Tues. 8:30pm - Low Intermediate Dance Fit (RCS). 

Good turn out today but we were missing Krystabelle. We worked out to WAIT A MINUTE & 4 MINUTES and started learning our new cardio routine SUMMER NIGHTS for the cardio section. Had a good stiff workout with our upper & lower body followed by our abs in a muscular & stamina combo and finished off with our cool down stretch. I enjoyed class today. Hope you all did too :D

29th March 2011, Tues. 6:15pm - High Beginner Dance Fit (SIH)

Tiny class today but we made it count. We used the routine for 4 MINUTES today and managed to work in 8's, 4's and 2's followed by an upper body, lower body and abs set and finished off with our cool down stretch. Great stuff ladies.

28th March 2011, Mon. 10am - Intermediate Line Dance (RSGC). 

Today we learnt BURLESQUE by Norm Gifford which is a dance with argentina tango elements and room for lots of attitude and sharp movements. The song is of course from the movie and is called Welcome to Burlesque sung by Cher. I enjoyed having 4 bars with some real tango basics in them which gave me an opportunity to explain the technique and how the steps are used with partners in social dancing. Yet, the dance was simple enough for those who are not so keen on technique to pick up and enjoy. I decided to dance thru the restart as the ladies found it difficult to catch the first step. Thank you Norm.

24th March 2011, Thurs. 11:30am - Intermediate Freestyle (TGCR). 

This class has become quite large now which is a good thing I feel, as the 'seniors' are being pressured to maintain their standards and the 'newbies' are being forced to pick up the pace. We continued to work on RAIN IS COMING by Rain and managed to add on 2 bars this time. It was still slow going but with the extra 30 min added to the class I was able to get really technical with the seniors and really clear with the newbies. I like the way the girls are not afraid to ask good questions in order to help themselves understand better. Sze is a great help, helping the newbies understand from a different perspective. Thanks Zyen Hoo ♥

24th March 2011, Thurs. 9:45am - Advanced Freestyle (TGCR). 

The class is starting half an hour earlier as the class after this has grown and requires more teach time. Thanks girls for agreeing to come earlier. As a few of us were late due to a terrible traffic jam we went straight into the dance we were working on, HOLLYWOOD. I had decided to make a few adjustments to the staggered portion of the dance and the girls quickly absorbed the changes and sorted themselves out. Its great working with seasoned dancers at times like these. Once we sorted that out we moved on to our new routine which I plan to meld with Hollywood - a medley done by the cast of GLEE. We put together the intro of it and shaped it. Next week, the real dancing starts :D

23rd March 2011, Wed. 8:30pm - Intermediate Line Dance (RCS). 

We had a late start to class today as the dance we were doing was fairly simple for this group and I wanted everyone present before we started. Today we learnt RIVA NEBA by William Sevone which is danced to the song Eso Beso by Nancy Ames. This song has a lovely old school carnival samba rhythm and is infectious (meaning one can't sit still when its playing). The BPM is quite brisk but nothing this group couldn't handle. We danced it thru 3 times and worked up quite a sweat by the end of class. Thanks Mike Taylor for allowing me to have the dance early ♥

23rd March 2011, Wed. 10am - Reviser Intermediate Line Dance (RSGC). 

We started by running through Mon's dance before we revised last week's dance. We went thru each one quite a few times and finished off dancing both in a row. It was a great workout. Hope the hall floor will be repaired before next week so we can dance 'freely'.

22nd March 2011, Tues. 8:30pm - Low Intermediate Dance Fit (RCS). 

We had a small attendance today but it was good as it allowed me to really focus on the ladies present. We managed to get thru three routines today - WAIT A MINUTE, FOUR MINUTES & BOOTY MUSIC. We followed that with a through stretch out, upper body, lower body, abdominal & cool down stretch. Great workout today. Thanks ladies.

22nd March 2011, Tues. 6:15pm - High Beginners Dance Fit (SIH). 

Today's class was called off as the office block had a power failure. We continue next week :D

21st March 2011, Mon. 10am - Intermediate Line Dance (RSGC). 

Today we learnt the dance WHAT U WAITING FOR by Mei Ling Leong to the song What You Waiting For by Colby O'Donis ft. MizzNina. The steps were easy except for the twist in the 5th bar which the ladies kept finishing on the wrong foot but with some technique coaching about weight change they eventually managed it and throughly enjoyed the dance. It nice to break occasionally and do a dance that does not require too much stress. Thanks Mei :D

17th March 2011, Thurs. 12noon - Intermediate Freestyle (TGCR). 

What a large class we had today. We had another 2 new faces coming for a trial today and i was grateful that we had not done too much the week before. The two ladies - Junie & Suzanne, did their very best thought both looked extremely nervous. You did fine ladies, really. We continued with our revised routine of RAIN IS COMING but only managed to add on one additional bar. So our routine so far is only 3 bars. Things will move faster once our new girls have settled in. Get ready for a bumpy ride :) Due to the increase in numbers in this class, next week we will start at 11:30am and finish at 1pm. Please take note.