Thursday, September 30, 2010

From the desk of Ms B


Love 'Dancing with the Stars', 'So You Think You Can Dance' or 'Step Up & Dance'?

Then get motivated to find your groove. You don't need a pro to show you how to dance off up to 500 calories an hour, whether you're a natural born boogier or a shy, hug-the-sidelines type. Regardless of the dancing style you choose (disco, salsa, ballet, freestyle etc.), shaking your booty to the beat lifts your spirits even more than other forms of exercise do. And it's easy to get started, no rhythm required.

The average weight loss after 6-9 hour-long dance workouts over 3 weeks is - 7 lbs.

- Extracted from Prevention, Sept. 2010 -

30th September 2010, Thurs. 12noon - Intermediate FIL (TGCC)

The ladies trickled in but all showed up today and we had the return of an old friend - Mandy Koo. It was good to have her back in class with us. We finished off our steps for the beginners social cha cha that we've been learning for the past few weeks. I'm just getting everyone to polish it up and style it so we look good dancing on our own. 

Remember our routine - 

2 x basic chasse, 

3 x n/york, 1 x spot turn, 

2 x basic chasse, 

4 x shoulder2shoulder, 

3 x basic cha cha, 

2 x 1/2 turn cha, 

1 x basic cha cha.

30th September 2010, Thurs. 10:30am - Advance Freestyle (TGCC)

A late start to class today, my fault, but we got going as soon as I set up. Started off by warming up with our Latin Lover routine. Still fine tuning this one so we're going slow. Wish we had 6 more feet dept in the studio :D We then went on to start our rumba section using The Masquerade by The Carpenters. As expected, its taking everyone some time to 'get' the hip/hold on '1' but also as expected, this group is working hard at it and is not likely to give up anytime soon. We then tried connecting the dots between all 3 of the songs and it turned out fairly good. We continue with Masquerade next week.

Rumba (so far) :

2 x forward rumba walks (Jo & Colleen) - 2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1
1 x back basic (LF) - 2,3,4,1
1 x f/wd basic (RF) - 2,3,4,1
3 x hand to hand - 2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1
1 x new york - 2,3,4,1
1 x spot turn - 2,3,4,1
2 x cross check steps - 2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1
1/2 back[2], 1/2 spin[3], step back[4], hold[1]
hip sway[2,3], step back[4], hold[1]
change of hip - 2,3,4,1
fan - 2,3,4,1
2 x cucaracha (second one with 1/4 turn R, close) - 2,3,4,1
hitch R knee[2], open R knee[3], push leg back[4], hold[1]

Happy practicing :D

29th September 2010, Wed. 8:30pm - Intermediate Line Dance (RCS). 

We have 2 newcomers in our class - Keats & Maggie. Welcome ladies! They have gamely joined us and are working hard to keep up with the learning pace of the class. I think they'll do just fine given time. Today we learnt 7/9-9/9 of DA DOO RUN RUN by Roy Verdonk & Wil Bos. Its a phrased, light rock n roll piece and is made up of basic lilt steps and was enjoyable. However as it is quite a long dance I've opted to use 1/9-4/9 for Part B instead of teaching the second part. It fitted really well and was easy for everyone to manage. NOTE : There's no class next week, 6th Oct., as the hall is being used for a function.

Da Doo Run Run                                   

Choreographers           : Roy Verdonk & Wil Bos (May 2010)

Level                            : Intermediate

Dance                           : 2 walls Phrased – A A B A B B B

Counts                         : Part A – 72 counts, Part B – 32 counts

Music                           : Da Doo Run Run – Shaun Cassidy

Intro                             : 32 counts, start on vocals

Part A

Kick Ball Step R (x2), Rock R Forward, Recover L, ½ Turn Shuffle R.
1&2         Kick right forward, Step on ball of right next to left, Step left forward
3&4         Kick right forward, Step on ball of right next to left, Step left forward
5-6       Rock right forward, Recover on left
7&8         ¼ turn right step right to right side, Close left next to right, ¼ turn right 
                step right forward (6.00)

Rock L Forward, Recover R, Coaster Step L, Rock R Forward, Recover L, ¼ Turn R Shuffle R.
1-2          Rock left forward, Recover on right
3&4         Step back on left, Close right next to left, Step left forward
5-6          Rock right forward, Recover on left
7&8         ¼ turn right step right to right side, Close left next to right, Step right to 
                right side (9:00)

Cross L over R, Monterey ½ Turn R, Rock L over R, Recover R, Side Shuffle L
1-2          Cross left over right, Point right to right
3-4          ½ turn right on ball of left  and close right next to left, point left  to left
5-6          Cross Rock left over right, Recover on right.
7&8         Step left to left side, Close right next to left, Step left to left side (3.00)

 Kick R forward, Kick R to Right, Sailor R, Kick L forward, Kick L to Left, Sailor L with ¼ turn Left

1-2          Kick right forward, Kick right to right side

3&4         Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Step right to right side

5-6          Kick left forward, Kick left to left side
7&8         On ball of right ¼ turn left and cross left behind right, Step right to right 
                side, Step left to left side    (12.00)

Ball R, Step L, Hold, Cross Rock R, Recover L, Side Shuffle R, Cross Rock L, Recover R
&1-2       Step on ball of right next to left, Step left to left side, Hold
3-4          Cross Rock right over left, Recover on left
5&6         Step right to right side, Close left next to right, Step right to right side
7-8          Cross Rock left over right, Recover  on right (12.00)

Ball L, Cross R, Hold, Rock L to Left Side, Recover R, Cross Shuffle L, ¼ Turn L, ¼ Turn L
&1-2       Step on ball of left next to right, Cross right over left, Hold
3-4          Rock left to left side, Recover on right
5&6         Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
7-8          ¼ turn left step back on right, ¼ turn left step left to left side (6.00)

Ball R, Step L, Hold, Rock R over L, Recover L, Side Shuffle ¼ turn R, ½ Turn Shuffle R
&1-2       Step on ball of right next to left, Step left to left side, Hold
3-4          Cross Rock right over left, Recover on left
5&6         Step right to right side, Close left next to right, ¼ turn right step right forward
7&8         ¼ turn right step left to left side, Close right next to left, ¼ turn right step 
                 back on  left (3.00)

¼ Turn Right step R, Cross L over R, Step R to Right side, Touch L, Ball L, Cross R, Step L, Behind Side Cross
1-2          ¼ right step right to right side, Cross left over right
3-4          Step right to right side, Touch left toes to left diagonal
&5-6       Step left next to right, Cross right over left, Step left to left side
7&8         Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left (6.00)

Rock L, Recover R, Cross L Behind R, R to Right Side, Step Forward L, Pivot Turn L (x2)
1-2          Rock left to left side, Recover on right
3&4         Cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Step left  forward
5-6          Step forward on right, ½ turn left take weight on left
7-8          Step forward on right, ½ turn left take weight on left (6.00)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

28th September 2010, Tues. 6:15pm - Beginners Dance Fit (KRIS).

‎It was a small class today and we missed our only man, Adrian, who was out with an injury. However, we did manage to complete 6/8 - 8/8 of Honey Honey.dfld and had a really good workout. We got thru all 3 levels of our basic core work too, without as much grunting as we had last week :) We finished off with a good stretch and managed to leave the office while the sun was still shinning. Looking forward to next week when we work thru both our routines. Get well soon Adrian.

Choreographed by : Bronya Bishorek (
Music : Coffee                    Artist : Unknown
Dance : x 8 intro, 64 count, 1/4 wall, beginner


1-4     Walk f/wd RF, LF, RF & tap LF
          (swing arms as you walk and reach both up above your head on 4)
5-8     Walk b/wd LF, RF, LF & tap RF
          (swing arms as you walk and open arms to the side, with elbows bent, on 4)


1-4     Step RF to R, close LF, RF to R, tap LF
          (with arms still open to the sides, raise shoulders L,R,L & clap on 4)
5-8     Step LF to L, close RF, LF to L, tap RF
          (with arms still open to the sides, raise shoulders R,L,R & clap on 4)


1-4     Step RF f/wd & towards R diagonal, close LF, step RF f/wd & towards R diagonal, tap LF
          (reach both arms f/wd, pull elbows back, reach f/wd, clap/snap)
5-8     Step LF f/wd & towards L diagonal, close RF, step LF f/wd & towards L diagonal, tap RF
          (reach both arms f/wd, pull elbows back, reach f/wd, clap/snap)


1-4     Step RF b/wd & towards R diagonal, close LF, step RF b/wd & towards R diagonal, tap LF
          (pull elbows back, swing arms f/wd, pull elbows back, clap)
5-8     Step LF b/wd & towards L diagonal, close RF, step LF b/wd & towards L diagonal, tap RF
          (pull elbows back, swing arms f/wd, pull elbows back, clap)

5/8     STEP & POINT

1-8     Step RF to R, point LF to L, step LF to L, point RF to R [repeat till 8]
          (point LH to R diagonal on 2, point RH to L diagonal on 4 [repeat till 8] )


1-4     Step RF f/wd & across LF, recover weight to LF, step RF to R, tap LF
          (stretch LH above head on 1, clap hands on 4)

5-8     Step LF f/wd & across RF, recover weight to RF, step LF to L, tap RF
          (stretch RH above head on 5, clap hands on 8)

7/8     HITCH & STEP

1-8     Pull up R knee (hitch), step RF to R, pull up L knee (hitch), step LF to L, repeat till 8
          (push L shoulder f/wd on 1, push R shoulder f/wd on 3, repeat till 8)


1-4     Touch R heel f/wd & across LF, step RF to R, hitch L knee, tap LF
          (stretch LH up & RH down [1], push R shoulder f/wd [3] ) )
5-8     Touch L heel f/wd & across RF, step LF to L, hitch R knee, tap RF
          (stretch RH up & LH down [5], push L should f/wd [7] )

- END –

Option : If you’d like to turn this into a 4 wall dance, just make a ¼ turn at the end of the last bar and walk forward. This makes your 2nd wall 3:00. This will certainly increase the challenge for beginners J

28th September 2010, Tues, 8:30pm - Mid Beginners Dance Fit (Purple Yogis).

Comfortable turn out today. We had completed all 8/8 of Booty Music.dfld last week so we really worked it today and it was good to see everyone huffing a bit. We then went into the yo-yo sequence with the previous dances which also allowed the newcomers to pick up a few bars here and there. The cardio was followed by a nice consistent run of the core work and leg work ending with some nice stretching. I was really pleased with everyone's efforts.

Booty Music.dfld (March 2010)
Choreographer : Bronya Bishorek (
Music : Booty Music  Artist : Git Fresh  Album : [Unknown]
Dance : 64 step, 1 wall, [low intermediate]


1             Hitch R knee
2-4          Step RF to R, cross LF behind R, step RF to R
5-6          Step LF f/wd, recover weight back to RF
7-8          Step LF to L, close RF


1             Hitch L knee
2-4          Step LF to L, cross RF behind L, step LF to L
5-6          Step RF f/wd, recover weight back to LF
7-8          Step RF to R, close LF


1-2          ¼ turn R and walk f/wd RF, LF [3:00]
3-5          Point RF f/wd, hitch R knee, step RF back
6             ¼ turn L and step LF to L
7-8          Point RF to L diagonal, step RF to R


1-2          ¼ turn L and walk f/wd LF, RF [9:00]
3-5          Point LF f/wd, hitch L knee, step LF back
6             ¼ turn R and step RF to R
7-8          Point LF to R diagonal, step LF to L


1-4          Step RF to R diagonal, step LF to L diagonal, step RF back, close LF
5&6         Step RF to R, close LF, step RF to R
7-8          Step LR across & behind R, recover weight to RF


1-4          Step LF to L diagonal, step RF to R diagonal, step LF back, close RF
5&6         Step LF to L, close RF, step LF to L
7-8          Step RF across & behind L, recover weight to LF


1-4          Point RF to R, ½ turn R while pulling RF close, point LF to L, close LF [6:00]
5&6         Point RF to R, close RF, point LF to L
7-8          Step LF f/wd, close RF


1-4          Point LF to L, ½ turn L while pulling LF close, point RF to R, close RF [12:00]
5&6         Point LF to L, close LF, point RF to R
7-8          Step RF f/wd, close LF

27th September 2010, Mon. 10am - Intermediate Line Dance (RSGC).

This class has been closed since 20th Sept. as the club needed the MPH for the Putra Cup Golf Tournament. We should be able to restart on 6th Oct. after I return from Singapore. Don't worry about what we've learnt ladies, we'll just start over.

From the desk of Ms B

I am terribly sorry for the sudden silence in class reports. Its been kinda crazy for the past month i.e. work travel, school holidays, illness etc etc. Let's see if I can get back into the routine again. Sorry again :(