Saturday, July 31, 2010

From the desk of Bronya (Ms B)

An extract from HEALTH SMART, Readers Digest Sept. 2008


Adding calorie-free seasoning to your food could help you loose weight, according to a study of 1500 overweight people. Those who added plenty of 'tastants' (flavour crystals) to their food lost 14 kg on average over six months, while those not using the seasoning lost only 1 kg.

Lead researcher Dr Alan Hirsch said the flavour crystals may have made the food more satisfying so people ate less. The crystals may also have improved the flavour of bland, nutritious foods such as tofu, so people ate more of the healthy foods. While tastant cyrstals are not commercially available, there are plenty of ways you can boost the flavour of food without boosting the calorie content.

* Add a few handfuls of fresh herbs to stir-fries, salads of even sandwiches.

* Turn bland casserole into a Middle Eastern hotpot with plenty of ground cumin, coriander and paprika. Buy a pre-mixed spice blend, such as harissa, for ease of use.

* Experiment with unusual spices such as sumac, lemon myrtle or peri-peri.

* Add a kick of chilli to sauces, salad dressings and marinades.

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